Thursday, July 14, 2011

Boredom Strikes.

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Get it?  Sword? "Boredom strikes"? 

then i made a dozen roses.

Being bored is so fun.


So.. Go check that out.

So I noticed my last post was published at 11:23 p.m. I think thats cool. (as in, its a sort of 1,2,3)

Good song: If I Just Lay Here by Snow Patrol. Also, I recently found these guys called The Hush Sound. Personally, I think they're good. So you should check them out.


I got myself a penpal. I'm lame, I know. I just want someone to talk to who doesn't actually know me, you know? Anyway, its something I've always wanted to do.

Something interesting needs to happen in this life of mine. I need more adventure. Specifically, I need to travel. Go and live life. I also need a new pair of pyjama pants.

Grooveshark. You can go listen to music, make playlists and stuff. I like it. So you could go check that out too.

I have synesthesia.. basically, I'm even more abnormal than I thought I was. Numers, letter, have color and personality. Synesthesia is interesting. Go check that out too.
For example: The dog is happy today. "The" is like a lush tropical forest, because "E" is the color of deep moss green, and "T" is a nice brown. "H" is bright orange, but the T and E fade it out, and all I see is forest colors of green and brown. "Dog" is a nice sunny day, with a bright blue D, with a white O and an orange G, and they make a happy sunny yellow. "Is" = yellow orange. "A" = bright red. "Happy" is redish brown, so sort of like a faded fence paint that was once brown and is now red. "Today" is mostly brown, with a few sprinkles of red, yellow and grey.
So anyway, thats my life. Too much color, but it makes it interesting. It also makes math harder, since I concentrate on the color and personality. For example, if the answer to a question is: 79. Sevens are so snobby and uptight, and nines are so witty and carefree. So if I have a seven beside a nice, I spend the time thinking about what a bad combination of personalities that is, and the answer will feel wrong, even if it isn't. Also, seven is brown and nine is grey, so it isn't exactly the prettiest color combination either.

.. for the longest time i thought everyone saw the world this way..

- Meghan

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So. I'm in Edmonton - With my sister, her husband, and my adorable neice and nephew. :D
I was supposed to go up yesterday with my two aunties and my cousin, but the night before the mother said I couldn't go. The next morning, she wakes me up at 9:30 (waaaaaaayy too early for me.. I stayed up late watching Kung Fu Panda. Deece movie) Anyway, she wakes me up and tells me I actually can go. And they're leaving in 20 minutes. Well gee, thanks mom. I'm not showered. I'm not dressed. I'm not packed. You expect me to do this all in 20 minutes?!?! So I didn't go.
But today, she tells me she has this friend going up to Edmonton.. some random chick I've never met before, but I can ride up with her. It's one of my moms friends, so I'm expecting the worst: lectures on how to eat properly, or dress modestly. Maybe.....even.......a grammar lesson. *dies* (It's happened before.)
Turns out she's not so bad.. but she had a foot fetish. I took off my shoes in the car, because shoes are demon spawn, and she spazzed like crazy, swerving on the road and going "Fe-eet... sh.. sh.. shoe.. bac.. kkk. onn.. fee.. feee... tt." It took me a while to understand, but when she took her hands of the wheel and motioned wildly at my feet, I got the message.. right before we swerved off the road.
But I didn't accidentaly leave 40 dollars at a gas station this time. And no couches came flying off trucks at our windsheild this time, so that was good. Oh, and no old men mooning us at bath stations either. So all in all, it was a relatively quiet trip.

- Meghan

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why Must Everything Change So Much???

Everything is changing so fast, and i don't know what to do...i wish i could go back to grade five when no one was leaving and I was happy and life was good and I knew what was going to happen next year and that everything would be okay.  I wish we didn't fight about stupid things.  I wish my brother wasn't going to leave.  I wish you could trust everyone.... but most of all, i wish life would slow down enough for me to enjoy it more.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Things To Do During Summer - #2

Wow. So I'm a fail. I said I would try and do it everyday.. but my first one was on monday, and this is friday :P I'm going to try and post multiples today though, to make up for my patheticness.
So. Number Two. Hmm... How about:
You can get them at most convenience stores. So buy them, and have fun :D
This was taken on the first day of summer.... Aah, freedom is sweet!

- Meghan

Monday, July 4, 2011

60 Things To Do During Summer - #1

Yep. I am going to start a list of things to do during summer. Is this absolutely pointless? Of course. But I do things.. and I take pictures of things I do.. so I need something to do with all these Kodak moments! Some of my things may not work if you don't live in Saskatoon, so I'll try and offer others. Also, these are in no specific order. Number One could be just as good as Number Forty-Three, and Number Ten could suck just as much as Number Fifty-Eight. So if your bored and don't know what to do (which should not be happening during the summer) just check out my awesome list! I'll try and post something new every day, but you know, life happens, and I'll probably miss a few days here and there. Now: bah, bah bah BAAAHHHHH!!!! :

Go eat an ice cream cone.
Honestly. Summer is ice cream cone heaven. Lips covered in messiness, tummy full of happiness... there really isn't anything better than a declicious ice cream cone on a hot sunny day.
If you live in Saskatoon, I would suggest the red bus downtown, or Lathey Pool. (which is out-doors)

And yeah, I know, I'm hanging out with my little brother. But in my defense, I had to hang out with him, since I was babysitting him.(our parents are gone) So we went and got ice cream :) What else are you supposed to do during summer?

- Meghan