Saturday, October 23, 2010

That Was Sarcasism, You Now

Anybody know what Grooveshark is?
Probably not. If you do, good for you. And that wasn't sarcasm.
Okay, off the subject, but there was this one conversation on facebook that went like this:
Ben Houston: WOW! you look so sexy standing like that blowing a bubble.. with a hockey helmet on! (Sarcasism if you didn't know)
Brittlyn Wintringham: yeah i now right! (sarcasism)
And I'm just like, OMFG, NO. No no no no no no no. NO. JUST because Ben spells it terribly wrong, does NOT mean YOU have to. I just HATE it when someone spells something wrong, and then the next person who reads their wrongly spelled word is like: "Oh hey. Well. I'm going to be a total dumb-bum and spell it wrong too, because I don't know how to spell it right because I'm a dumb fricken idiot." And I mean, OBVIOUSLY, sarcasm isn't spelled, sarcaSISM. Does it sound like that? No. And also, know is spelled know. Not now. Know. Goddammit, we learned that in gr. 2.
And I know, I sounds like a total nerd, but watevs.
Also, when I do lame stuff like obvs, and watevs, and imma, i'm just making fun of reTARDed gr. 6ers who think they're kool with a k.
But anyway.. back to Grooveshark.
So, its this place where you listen to like, any music you want, because they have pretty much ever single song in the whole entire world.
So I hacked Aly's account ( a.k.a. she left it on here ) and added a ton of J. Beibs onto her song list. :)
Yeah, I know, I'm so bad-ass now ( now, not know ) right?
Dear god, I need a life.

- Meghan

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