Wednesday, May 4, 2011


By the way - all of the pitures are un-edited.

Tree in my neighbours yard. I just really like how the tree is naturally black against the pretty blue sky.

Tree in my frontyard. ( LOVE that color of blue! )

Apple tree in my backyard. The little ball-ish looking this are rotten apples.

Lampost :) I like lamposts.

My street. Again. I sure love that blue and pink in the sky.. nothing fancy, but pretty nonetheless.

No school tomorrow! Thank God the teachers went on strike. I don't think I could have handled going to school tomorrow. I'm so super tired and when I get tired I get grumpy... I just had a temper tantrum at my mom. Stomping my feet, screaming, and the whole bit. So I probably would've spazzed at multiple people who probably deserve it anyway. But I don't think I've had a temper tantrum since I was five...
The weird thing is, I was five ten years ago.
Because I'm 15!
I keep forgetting. Its really weird. Although half the time I still think I'm ten, so thats not really a surprise.
Soo.. my birthday was April 28th. And guess what my present from the universe was?
A dead cat.
Alas, I watched my beautiful furrball get hit by a truck and die. On my birthday. And I actually miss him a lot more than I thought I would. Which sucks, because missing something is no fun. I wish I hadn't loved him as much, because then life would be less painful.
Anyway. I'll stop being cheesy and dramatic now.
Aaaaaanndd..... I really have nothing else to say.
I delivered flyers today. As I do every Wednesday. Last Wednesday I went I took some fairly un-impressive photo's, but I liked them. So I'll post a few of those.

- Meghan
P.s. - Go watch Star Wars.

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