Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Ususally Abhore Dramatic Shpeels

Well, I haven't posted in a pathetically ridiculous amount of time.
So. My life sucks.
Well, not really. Parts of it are averagely good.
But then there's math
And retarted friends
and..............flooding basements. Yeehaw.
Also, Demon Dance Teachers From Hell With Expectations. I don't care if I have talent. I want to sleep for once. And get a higher mark on a math test so my ciborg genius friend can stop bothering me...
Oh yeah. I got a cat. Full name: Elvis the Terminater, E.T. for short. Because David (little brother ) loves the movie E.T.
He has this friend, Reid. Reid is short and blonde and crazy and funny and possibly Davids clone. Minus the funny. Anyway, they have this stuffed E.T. thing from the movie. Whenever Reid comes over, they head down to the basement, throw E.T. into some obscure unknown corner, turn all the lights off, and search for E.T. When they find him, they scream bloody murder and run upstairs. But the fun thing about this is that whenever the lights go off, I am already in the closet, hiding. I swear they screamed so high that only a dog could of heared. And David had nightmares about me for two months after. I have no idea how Reid fared.

I think it's funny when British people say bloody hell.

Ten Things People Would Just Be Better Off Without:
10. Gossip. Honestly. Just give it up. Does it help anyone? Does it help you? No. Now shut up. I'm trying to eat my sandwich. I don't care if her shoes are overely sparkly.
9. Complaining. I don't care. I have to do it too. Now shuttup.
8. COD obsessed males. Try sitting in math class every day hearing ME talk about mani's and pedi's and hair. So shut the fuck up.
7. High Pitched Whiny Voices. Nobody's taking you seriously, you don't sound hot, cute, or sexy, so just stop, and resume your normal God-given voice.
6. Granny Panties. No mom, my butt isn't a size 14, thankyou very much.
5. Umm... hmm. Peanut Butter. That foul concoction is the very essence of hell itself, risen straight from the pits of Doom.
4. Braggers. You know, I can honestly be genuinely happy for you. And when I hear it for the 50372759837th time, expecially when you compare me to whatever you did better than me, your nose can be genuinely bloody.
3. Math.... just math.....
2. Lieing. ( how the fuck do you spell lieing???? ) The truth will set you free. Supposedly. So.. stick with cheesy quotes. The truth probably does work out better in the end. Sometimes. Lieing is handy, though. so I'll be hypocritical and not follow this all the time.
1. Natural Disasters. 'Nuff said.
( Also, as a side note, Justin Beiber could be an optinonal replacement with lieing, if need be )

Well, I had a shitty-ass day, with some shitty-ass friends ( not ALL of them, just claryfiying )
The funny thing is, no one would ever be able to tell. Smile, right?

I just wish I could be living in an apartement, living off of pancake mix, grilled cheese and KD, dancing with the blinds shut to whatever beautiful I feel like.
Oh, and I'm usually not this dramatic. I find it overly cliche.

- Meghan

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