Thursday, March 17, 2011

So today, I had a request for a post. That's never happened before, largely due to the fact that no one's ever known about this blog before.
The Requester: Sam Stinn - alias, Ciborg Genius
Soo.. yeah. I guess I'm supposed to write about Sam.
Well, she has a boyfriend. His name is Nick, he has a broken arm, he pee's on streets and eats a lot. 
Sam has red hair. She decrees that one day red heads will take over the world. I disagree.
She's funny and slightly weird and pretty. For some strange reason she considers 80% a failure. I consider 80% a celebration. Well, for math that is.
She obviously has stellar choice in friends, and she has good choice in shoes, too. ( Doctor Seuss shoes! xD )
She plays like, god knows how many instruments. ( Piano, saxophone, violin, ect... ) She was kind enough to introduce me to the fantabulous word "Airhead."
We've had a lot of good times, along with Kara and Mackenzie, two other awesome people.
Yet there is one tiny, yet important thing I absolutely hate about her.
TEACHER FAVORATISM! grrrrrrr..........
So she gets 97% on a test, then "fails," and gets 84%. But instead of adding those two together, the teacher just drops the 84%, saying its her "little gift to her students."
I could go on, but I have to go eat......
Chow. ( Ciao ? )

- Meghan

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