Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blue Stairs And Other Such Matters

So.. today was the first day of real high school, minus the fact that today was picture day. I put braids in my hair yesterday. Looked pretty hot..
So today my mom made me salad and yogurt, ( cuz I never had time to make my lunch.. ) and it leaked everywhere. First day of school, and my locker is already a smelly mess. I cleaned it out best I could, but it still has a faint stench. Thats why I ALWAYS pack sandwiches, I told my mom. But no.. she wouldn't listen. She had to send me a retarted salad. Thankfully, she agreed to give me four bucks in exchange for me bringing a water bottle, which I really didn't want to do. So I bought a griled cheese sanwhich. Since there were no chairs, we had to sit on the steps. This girl who went to my school ( she's in grade 10 - a year older than me ) kept staring at us sitting there, and then her friend went over to talk with us, and Emily ( the girl ) pointed at us and the girl smiled, except not exactly in a welcoming way. Then this older looking group across from us started looking at us and gigling, and then two of them got up, and when they passed, said overly loudly " Man, I remember when I was in grade 9, and we weren't allowed to sit on the stairs. "
Talk about not oubvious..

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