Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Go According To Plan

So I don't know if you know - but originally this blog was supposed to be about top ten's. So I'm gonna go according to plan and name some personal top tens :
 Top Ten Things That Went Right Today:
10. The electrician guys came to electrify our basement
9. The kitchen light works again!
8. I finally found that the shirt I've had for two years doesn't look goofy with leggings (it looks goofy with any other pants)
7. When I jumped off the fence I didn't completely squash my little brother
6. My memere remembered who I was
5. Video games were invented: therefor saving me from legions of awkward silences with my sort-of friend Nicole
4. My clothes got washed
3. I discovered two fancy dresses that I have which I had totally forgot about and am now faced with a problem that I have never been faced with before : Which dress to wear to my cousins wedding
2. I found the battery for my camera
1. I got paid for babysitting my nephew

Now - the easier ones to think of :
Top Ten Things That Went Wrong Today:
10. I came to the conclusion that the person who I originally thought to be my best friend is a bitchy back-stabbing liar ( not you aly )
9. The pancakes me and Nicole made for my little brother were disgusting - it provided laughter though, which was good.
8. It's not Christmas.
7. It's a long time until Christmas.
6. We gave some random eight year old child none of us have ever met before a ride home, thus forcing David to go into awkward silence (he's shy) thus creating my trivia partner non - existent.
5. I drew a cartoon picture ( bucktoothed messy haired boy with two patches in his jeans and funny looking eyes selling balloons with backdrop of sidewalk, trees, river, then hills ) and it wasn't very girly, just cartoony and goofy. This small eight year girl was very girly ( pink shirt, light pink caprees, pink sandals, pink car-seat with pink flowers, pink tinkerbell sunglasses - no joke ) and she asked me to show it to her. All I got was a "............. oh. It's.. nice. Visions of Mme Coupal float through my head.
4. Nicole told me she was scared for high school. If I'm-too-cool-for-everything-and-super-mature-fashionable-confident Nicole is scared, well that basically means I'm SCREWED. Before today, I had been looking forward to high school.
3. Mom told me I had to clean my room tomorrow, which basically ex-nays all of my plans for tomorrow.
2. I forget every single dance I'm dancing at folkfest. This is where Aly, Danae, Katie, Rachel, Marin and all those other people come in. They better be there..
1. I haven't sucked up enough courage to ask for my allowance yet.

The sad thing is, I could think of more negatives of this day. Geez.

- Meghan


  1. I'm going to guess that was Nicole, the backstabbing liar, because you probably had a sleepover. And you said something about awkward silence...nvm.
