Monday, August 23, 2010


Okay, first of all, I have to say that this new purple type-writer font you have for our titles is GROSS. It looks horrible. Expecially with the orange font we have. Second of all, yes I am still in Edmonton. We were planing on staying until teusday anyway. Thirdly, LeeAnn has not had her baby, which is MAJOR sad face for me. I want her to have it SO bad while we are here. Fourthly, I am very hurt that you thought I would loose our phone. Its only happened twice, you know. And.. (drum roll please) I got a laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( laptop DEFINITLY calls for over-usage of exclamations) My moms all like *its only for writting schoolwork, and your not allowed to have it in your room at night,* which is super retarted and lame. But honey, this thing is definitly staying in my room. There is NO way that im letting my parents look through all my stuff while I sleep completely un-knowing in the basement.
So. Top Ten SWEET things that have happened this weekend
10. I got a laptop!!
9. I got a ton of delicious cake off of my cousins wedding. Also, I have only met the guy three times. ( My family is HUGE. From my moms mom ( my grandma - I call her memere ( the traditional french name for grandma) has produced probably about 150 people from her kids getting married and having kids and those kids having kids and stuff) So I am always meeting new people ) They had really good cake.
8. I fell in love with that green cantaloupe stuff that isnt really cantaloupe.
7. LeeAnn almost had her baby. ( As in she had contraptions )
6. We got a ton of IKEA stuff for my room and the almost-done-being-renovated basement.
5. For some odd reason my completely devoid of battery MP4 didnt die for three hours after it run out of battery.
4. We stayed in a lovely hotel. ( With a grumpy suspicious maid who always scolded us for running in the hall and breaking every waterslide rule there was to break )
3. I ate chips.
2. I climbed up a waterslide, only to fall all the way to the bottom about 30 inches from my victory. I was too emotionally dishevaled from my terrible loss to continue.
1. Dude. I ate frickin PINK POPCORN.

- Meghan ( Is pleased to see that they hve fixed the paragraph problem )

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