Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rover Kidhehe

So theres a new kid (hehe) in town.
Rover Kidhehe is the new Ella Swan, and for those of you who don't know who Ella Swan is, she's some random guy/girl who creeps on pictures and has a split personality:  A very holier-than-thou attitude, and a weird chick who says rather inapropraite things not worth repeating.
Suspect # 1 for Rover Kidhehe- Rachel Paulson.
(No, I don't have a suspect #2.)
Rachel Paulson is a stupid 6th grader who has two GIANT front teeth.  (Really, like have you ever even HEARD of braces?)  She makes her careparteners cry and her only friend is Danelle Clavelle, which is NOT a big accomplishment.  If I wanted to be Danelles friend, trust me, I COULD.  But I don't.  Danelle has never heard of a straightener, and she is such a kiss ass to all teachers.  Last year she ratted on Anna, Megan, Hannah and I for going out before that retarded little "Go/ Stop" sign was flipped to "go".  We had to write 25 lines of "Je ne vais pas sortir avant le superviseur."  It took me 14 minutes to write, consuming my entire recess.  I now highly dislike Danelle Clavelle, But apparently she thinks i like her because she always says hi to me in the halls, ruining the rest of my day.  I could live my whole life without both/either of them and be perfectly happy.  They have no influence on my life, nor do Sherisse, Katie, Taylor or, Victoria, who by the way has some more reTARded pictures ( the half and half ones again!) And she looks absolutely STUPID.  Until Victoria post some more highly unatractive pictures and I just have to tell you about them,

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